Saturday, January 1, 2011

Plans change

The difference for me this time through the treatment is knowing a little about what to expect.  The first 2 treatments have coincided with Christmas parties and New Years parties.  Hopefully, the next 4 will be a little less event filled and I won't have to make so many 'guilt-filled' decisions!!! I'm sorry to all my friends for not making it to your festivities - I know you all understand.  But I want to be sure to make my statement public to ease my own conscience.

The rest of the afternoon went very well yesterday.  3 hours at the office working on the books and back to the hospital for the Neulasta.  Sounds like a strange thing to say, but Sarah and I had a nice time doing this stupid, mundane stuff together!  We made a stop at Adams because I was determined to use my meat grinder.  This is the gift I bought myself this year.  I know it sounds strange, but after eating my friend Susan's delicious burgers last summer and then reading a recipe a few weeks ago, I figured what the heck and ordered one for myself!  None of this handcranking that my mother did.   I went for the electric, commercial grade, 100 pound machine!!! It's awesome!  It was missing a little thing called a locking pin - Alex tells me it's kind of important, but I was determined to use it.  So, Sarah and I set ourselves up to hold this thing together and we did it!  I ground chuck, lamb, rib eye and sirloin with some Cilantro, onions and chiles into the best burgers EVER!  I had enough to make a fabulous meatloaf for the day after.  Success!

We also stopped at Walgreen's to pick up some more essentials for when the rest of my face falls off.  Like my eyebrows and eyelashes.  I want to be prepared with a good brow pencil and some nice false eyelashes. 

I felt great most of the day... then all of a sudden the effort I'd need to muster to go to a party at Lisa and Michael's was just too much for me.  I had to back down and stay home.

But, we had a nice time with the kids!  We played Banana's on the bar and banged pans at midnight on the front porch like the good old days!  Afterward, I made them all eat 12 grapes for each bong like the Spanish tradition I learned in High School.  I couldn't eat them myself, so I was the 'bonger' ... if they could eat a grape with each bong, then it's a year of good luck!  Melissa laughed a little too much for a full year, but the rest of the group did great.  It was lots of fun - Doc Rigual would be proud!!!

We sat and watched a little of the party in the city and eventually we trickled up to bed.  This morning I woke to the typical pain of the Neulasta through my body.  It was hard to get moving and even harder to walk up and down the stairs.  I finally made it to the shower an hour later than I wanted to.  We did make it over to the Kram's by 1p.  They had a lovely New Year's lunch with a nice group of new people for us to meet and what a spread Allen put on!!! He is a fabulous cook and the biggest complement I could give to him was that I could actually taste the food and it was great!!!  I lastest about 2 hours or so, but it was a really good 2 hours! 

I'm glad to be home tonight again... this has really put a kink in Bob's social life!!! But he is the best guy in the world and would never make me feel bad. 

Plans for tonight?  Renting a movie and hanging around the house... just what the doctor ordered.


DOI said...

Mary, I continue to be inspired by your courage and Bob's love. Think how you'll feel NEXT New Year's Day -- normal, with your own hair, and very grateful!

Wendy S Marcus said...

Sounds like a wonderful New Years celebration! Sometimes quieter, with family, is better. Last night we rushed home from a dinner party to ring in the new year with Ben and Becca. (Rachel, the party animal (at age 13) was attending her third sleepover in a row!!!)

Kimberly Sabatini said...

We were home too...sometimes the quiet unexpected holidays can be nice too!