Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Miles of Hope weekend... Sorority

Miles of Hope Brunch

My friend Lisa Arnoff is an incredibly dedicated volunteer for this organization.  Through Lisa, I met Dana Effron.  This woman didn't know me, but was on the phone talking to me the weekend after I found out I had breast cancer. Lisa and Dana were there to offer help and support in any way that I needed. 

What I experienced at the brunch on Sunday was incredible.  The room was filled with people giving money, time, support and energy to the cause and the people affected by it.  Many of these people were friends, acquaintances, medical professionals, etc. that I've met along the way.  Some were complete strangers.  Others were afflicted with this disease just as I am.  Dana called us a sorority, a sisterhood of sorts. 

While I would never choose to have breast cancer, I would choose to be included in this strong and brave band of people.  People who understand what it is to question why and yet appreciate the lessons to be taught and learned.  I'm proud to be a part of it.

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