Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Delicate Situation...

I've shared and shared so much of myself through this blog, but I have not told all because, honestly, some things are a little too embarrassing to just put out there - even for me.  This has bothered me so much this time, I'm compelled to write about it to help the rest of those that follow my blog and are inflicted with this disease in hopes it keeps things moving... in some way makes the ultimate outcome smoother.  Ok - I'll stop.

Chemotherapy is that mixture of drugs whose job it is to kill the cancer cells.  It also does lots of other things like make your hair fall out, dry up your skin, cause nausea, mouth sores, etc. Not pretty - you get the picture.  I tried to heed the warnings of feeling thirsty by drinking more, but when you are totally overloaded with saline during the infusion, it's really difficult.  Your mouth is so dry that even a little water can help.  But, a little water is not going to help the bigger problem. Elisa, my acupucturist, put it the best.  Chemo is like heat... it sucks the water right out of me - from my mouth, my skin and, yes, my intestines. 

Dr. Rubin warned I might get diarrhea as a side effect of the drugs.  I didn't think that would be too bad for me since I'm prone to constipation anyway and maybe it would balance it out.  BUT - I was beyond constipated with each treatment and after this time is was unbearable.  I complained of being so uncomfortable this time because of the bloated feeling caused by the saline, but instead I now believe its the effects of being totally constipated.  TOTALLY!

I understand if you stop reading now...

Each treatment I tried to alleviate the pain after I figured out what was going on ... Senocot, herbal tea, water, water, water.  Anything.  Like I said, with each treatment its gotten worse, way worse.  Now, I'm sure there are plenty of contributing factors, but when I say that I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life, I mean it.  I was compeled to eat, but I couldn't move or breathe if I did.  I couldn't wear any kind of tight clothing.  I even ordered Pajama Jeans because I was sick of wearing sweats!!!!

Did I say Pajama Jeans??? I know, it's time for an intervention.... 

Let's just say, with each 'offload', I felt better and better.  This next treatment, I plan on attacking it the day before - a little pre-treatment 'action' for me!  I wouldn't wish that feeling on my worst enemy.  It was that bad...

I expect delivery of the Pajama Jeans end of the week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok, now I want to buy you the pajama jeans! :)